Friday, December 24, 2010

The EV plus decision: All that matters

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect"
  Mark Twain 

As a poker player, you are very familiar with Expected Value and Variance. Hell, even if you play nl5 or just got interested in poker, you should understand every poker decision you take  weights these 2 components. In general we only consider EV; we try to become long term winners and hope variance evens out in the long run.

Remember that's not always the case though; Loose Cannon is not willing to risk  100k even  if his preflop EV is ridiculously high.

EV in Life

I'll be integrating concepts from entrepreneurship, Lifestyle design, business, sports science among others to develop an awesome lifestyle trough the consecutive adoption of EV+ practices for life.

I made this blog to account myself publicly, to avoid fooling myself and help others on the same path. I'm not even that good at poker (not good at all actually, I can barely beat nl100) but I'm convinced hard work and smart choices will build up and deliver in the long run, both in life and poker. 
A Cautionary Tale: The Average Joe

Joe has a peaceful life. He wakes up every morning at 8 for breakfast, goes to his office from 9 to 5 and is by home at 6. He doesn't earn that much money, but he is safe. He saved enough to receive a home mortage for a small apartment, which he is currently paying, and he even owns a modest car.

Work does stress him, to an extent; just not enough to push him into another direction. He dreads hours at the office and having such short vacations, but he gets by.

Joe enjoys sports, video games and reading the news. He is not super smart, but he went trough business school with decent grades. He is in average shape and does sports sporadically, usually with friends on weekends.

I don't want this, I want more.

If you are reading this, you are young, and probably very smart. You have a background of video games (starcraft hopefully) and currently play poker of some form.

I hope this blog provides you guidelines on how to achieve your goals such as reduce stress, get better grades, improve your poker, or put on muscle. I'll do my best to provide interesting material for both successful poker players (hi liquid poker) and those that are just starting out.

But more important, I hope it motivates you. Most people know what they have to do to get what they want. They just never do it.

Take action, and do it now. Youth is the stage in life where decisions have the highest EV and you can afford  variance. Gamboool!

1 comment:

  1. can't wait for your next post on poker!

    keep up the great work
