We already stablished here our goal is to develop a kickass life trough the adoption of EV+ decisions.
So, now I have to pick things I can change. The most EV is in picking important stuff. For me, at this moment, poker and my body.
So here are the goals to be achieved in January:
Goal #1: 60 000 Hands of NL 100 SH Holdem (3 hours/day app)
Goal #2: 13% Body Fat (starting at 17%)*
Sure I could do that, by never leaving home (we geeks can do that easily), becoming a vegan, a nit 12 tabler, and kill myself in boredom. That's why there will be some complementary rules.The purpose is doing the above in a way that is sustainable in the long run.
-I must go out at least 6 times in the month.
-I have to keep running my business; not a big deal, but still gotta reply emails and drop packages at the post office (more on this later)
-Study and play good poker/avoid robot mode. Discuss hands with friends regularly
-No Veganism ;)
Complementary rules are there to remember us our final goal; living like a Rockstar. We are supposed to do the best and have fun while doing so.
Not sure I am gonna get there,but not doing anything is a sure way of achieving nothing.
* I'll start my way to conquer goal #2 from now.
* I'll start my way to conquer goal #2 from now.
How To: The Importance of the method
"What gets measured gets managed" - Peter Drucker, recipient of Presidential Medal of Freedom
Measuring important stuff is the key to success. The easiest person to fool is yourself.
So I am measuring:
1.- Session Length/hands played of every poker session (Thanks HEM)
2.- Pictures of everything I eat/drink aside from water. I find a pain in the ass to write it down, so just picture it.
3.- Weight lifted/training time per session.
4.- Body Fat measurement every wednesday. Pictures at the end of the period (January 30)
I understand if I put anything about how I plan to eat/excercice everyone is gonna have a different opinion. So i'll just do what I think its best, and report results so you can do it aswell.
Before pictures have already been taken but i'll rather just post them in the end to do the comparison.
I am not sure I am even a winner at nl100; been playing really bad last 35k hands or so. However, if during this 60k hands I manage a 4bb/100 winrate i'll be offering some free coaching to nl10/nl25 players, as way to earn karma points and give something back to the community.
I'm also planning on doing some cool performance related stuff later. I'm planning on doing the RKC Snatch Test, deadlift my weight x3 and bench press my weight x2.
Business going well but not many major changes. Gonna post how it started so you can replicate the model as I know many poker players are looking foward to entrepreunership.
Wish me Luck!
good luck